Friday, February 14, 2014

Near the Heart of God

God is all about people! Mankind was introduced as the pinnacle of creation and into him alone was breathed the breath of God. No other creature is described as being in the image of God. Jesus Christ came to earth to seek and to save lost people, not money, politics, or even the environment; PEOPLE!

Jesus then commissioned the Church to carry on His mission to reach the world with the Gospel “Good News” that God still loves humanity and desires to restore a beautiful perfect relationship with every person.
With such a massive mission that was begun by the perfect missionary (Jesus) it is easy to think, “I could never measure up to the enormity of the task or the talent required.” However, that is not what God is looking for.
I believe missions has never been about strength, talent or intelligence; mission work is all about an ability to understand God’s will and the faith to walk with Him wherever He leads. This requires living daily near the heart of God. 

We are so blessed that people just like this will be with us during this year’s Missions Conference. Missionaries Robert and Jody Hayton have been serving in the Zambezi River Valley of Sub-Saharan Africa for many years. I encourage all to come and share in the heart of this couple who live near to the heart of God.
Faith Promise Missions Conference February 19 - 23, 2014